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Fundamentals of Learning to be One with the World

Shannon Goff
Feb 26, 2024
A Weekend of Sacred Secret
HOLY WOW!! (Although F^*# seems more appropriate) I was blown away by how impactful the "Sacred Secret" training by ZivaMeditation was...

A Fellow Wild Child
Feb 6, 2024
A Wild Child’s Social Experiment - STRIP DOWN AND “BE”
My theme for 2024 is Rediscovering My Wild Child - The Journey Back Home. This means stripping off all my identities, roles, and...

Shannon Goff
Jan 11, 2024
The Wild Child Strikes Again - 2024: The Year of Being NOTHING
At least for now… After reflecting on last year, the most challenging and rewarding year of my life, looking through my calendar month by...

Shannon Goff
Dec 19, 2023
Boycotting X-mas - The Simplicity of Earth-mas
With all the holiday hustle and bustle happening, my Wild Child has decided to break the rules and boycott Christmas for an easier,...

Shannon Goff
Dec 19, 2023
My Trip Through the Medicine Wheel - I Went in a Woman and Came Out a "Child"
(A 4-PART SERIES) I went into my Shamanic Energy Medicine trip to Chile with the question: Why is it so important for me to feel...

Shannon Goff
Dec 18, 2023
Part 2: Facing My Deepest Fears - Through the West with Jaguar
MY TRIP THROUGH THE MEDICINE WHEEL (A 4-PART SERIES) To the Winds of the West, Great Jaguar, Otorongo, You who have no fear and no...

Shannon Goff
Dec 13, 2023
Part 1: Clearing the Hoochas - Through the South with Serpent
MY JOURNEY THROUGH THE MEDICINE WHEEL (A 4 PART SERIES) Although we were there to learn Shamanic Energy Medicine, it was more than just...

Shannon Goff
Oct 12, 2023
Rise of a Healer: The Journey of Healing ME
At this time last year, I was a workaholic and a people pleaser. Believing that my worth was tied up in what I produced and what I...

Shannon Goff
Oct 11, 2023
Warrior Tribute 3: Claiming my "Woo" and Embracing Taking up Space
This past week I had a lot of “fears” come up -- of being too much, too intrusive, taking up too much room, and causing people to feel...

Shannon Goff
Oct 11, 2023
Warrior Tribute 2: Stepping Out of the Shadow Despite Fear of Judgement
Six years ago, I was on a crusade to get comfortable in and with my body and more in touch with my feminine “sexy” side…which in my...

Shannon Goff
Oct 11, 2023
Warrior Tribute 1: It's My Birthday and I can FLY if I Want Too
A lot has transpired in one year. It feels like a lifetime of lessons happening in 365 days. I can definitely say I not the same person...

Shannon Goff
Oct 11, 2023
Tap Into Harmony with the Magic of the Moon
I had been one of those people who never took the time to look UP at the colors and textures of the sky… even more rarely looked at the...

Shannon Goff
Oct 11, 2023
Standing in "My Truth"
This past week was very intense for me. Lots of fears and emotions came up and it all revolved around judgements and how uncomfortable...

Shannon - Creatrix of Soul Magic
Apr 18, 2023
What is a Creatrix?
A woman deeply connected to herself, the world around her, and her innate creative feminine power. A woman deeply connected to herself,...

Shannon - Creatrix of Soul Magic
Apr 15, 2023
Emergence of the Self Lover
I have come a long way in the last 3 years. When the pandemic hit, with so much time by ourselves, I believe it made a lot of us really...
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